Notes on Dryopteris sp. 2

Dryopteris sp. (Finland, Siuntio, Hollstens, 2004).  Image: Harri Harmaja (fresh leaf scanned).  A group of differently aged tufts of this kind occurred in fairly eutrophic spruce woods, accompanied by e.g. Dryopteris carthusiana, D. filix-mas, Amelanchier spicata (escaped), and Ribes alpinum. The indusia are not glandular and not embracing sporangia. This plant belongs to the neighbourhood of D. filix-mas (Dryopteridaceae). A very few times I have found it earlier in South Finland, growing in mesotrophic rock outcrops. The leaves of this taxon are usually sterile (the depicted leaf was the sole fertile one in this stand).
Created August 30, 2004.

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