We provide the easiest professional search engine submission service around.Includes Google, Bing, Entireweb, Mojeek, Jayde, TowerSearch and more!Just fill out a simple form, pay a small one-time fee of $14.99 and watch your inbox for your confirmation report... your site will be manually submitted within 48 hours!You could waste time doing it yourself (took us over 6 hours) or get a different company with limited experience in the search industry to submit your site (many engines on their list don't even exist, we checked).But why not hire a real search engine to professionally handle your submission without wasting your time? Very few know how they work as well as we do ;-)* Please add fybersearch.com to your safe list in your SPAM filter. | Pay securely using PayPal or pay directly using your credit card. |
Credit Card payments are secured using Godaddy SSL Encryption. |
We want you to be fully informed when deciding to purchase one of our services. This section is devoted to taking a honest look at submission programs and how our service compares. | We manually submit your site to search engines. Many other services (especially the free ones) use automated scripts which can get outdated, resulting in submission failure. |
| We are not able to submit your URL to "hundreds of thousands of real search engines". Neither can any other service... there just aren't that many real search engines out there. |
| Many services submit your URL to free for all websites. Free for all web pages are not search engines, do not help you get listed in search engines and do not send traffic to other websites (they don't have any to send anywhere). |
| We will submit your URL within 48 hours. Other services can take longer. |
| We assigned one person to visit each search engine and try to submit our URL. It did actually take this person over 6 hours to visit each and generate our initial submission list. |
| We publish the date we compiled our list of search engines. Other services have no date on their list and submit toextinct search engines. |
| We charge less than some submission services but we cannot claim to be the cheapest. |
| Some services charge more and offer you a package of services (search engine submission, an inclusion status tool, etc). We also offer our own inclusion status tool for 8.99. |
| Using a submission service is meant as a valuable time saver, an alternative to doing it yourself. No submission service we know of can guarantee your inclusion. |
Here is the list of search engines that we will submit your website to. The search engines and ranking information was last updated on August 13th 2011.
Search Engine | Page Rank | Alexa Rank | | Google | 10/10 | 1 | | Bing | 8/10 | 24 | | Exalead | 7/10 | 27,065 | | Scrub The Web | 6/10 | 2,797 | | Entireweb | 6/10 | 3,583 | | Mojeek | 5/10 | | | Active Search Results | 5/10 | 2,642 | | SearchSight | 5/10 | 7,067 | | Amfibi | 5/10 | 13,342 | | Infotiger | 5/10 | 17,173 | | Claymont | 5/10 | 21,247 | | Guruji | 5/10 | 24,653 | | Mixcat | 5/10 | 43,321 | | Walhello | 5/10 | 76,210 | | Jayde | 4/10 | 4,476 | | Websquash | 4/10 | 10,290 | | Acoon | 4/10 | 59,634 | | Amidalla | 4/10 | 86,625 | | DinoSearch | 4/10 | 121,911 | | Famhoo | 4/10 | 224,206 | | Super.info | 4/10 | 268,018 | | Search Luxembourg | 4/10 | 287,038 | | Megaglobe | 4/10 | 477,464 | | FyberSearch | 3/10 | 18,667 | | AxxaSearch | 3/10 | 28,889 | | FeedPlex | 3/10 | 37,148 | | Cipinet | 3/10 | 44,196 | | Search-O-Rama | 3/10 | 49,330 | | Ulysseek | 3/10 | 91,617 | | Myahint | 3/10 | 115,027 | | Boitho | 3/10 | 148,721 | | GhetoSearch | 3/10 | 176,381 | | TowerSearch | 2/10 | 63,901 | | bimeon | 2/10 | 414,232 | | Secret Search Engine Labs | | 12,815 | | Burf | | 286,810 | | SentenceSeek | | 326,181 | | The Lesson Finder | | 846,253 | |
Please be aware that we have no control over their submission policies and cannot guarantee that your website will be cataloged.
Also, search engines tend to change the way they accept URL submissions. We do our best to update this submission serviceas each engine updates the way that they accept URLs, but it does take some time to find out about the change and make the proper adjustments. |
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