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Pengarang:Tetri Widiyani, Mammed Sagi
Jurnal:Teknosains 2001, XIV(3)
Summary / Kata Kunci:ABSTRACT
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB/) is a mycotoxin vastly contaminates in agriculture foodstuffs. AFB1 has teratogenic effects because it can penetrate placental barrier easily from maternal to fetal tissues. AFBI. can be activated to become epoxide compound. Epoxide is very dangerous, it can react with nucleic acid and form DNA or RNA adducts. The aims of this research were performed to examine the effects of AFB1 on growth and development of embryos and fetuses skeletal in pregnant mice during organogenesis period.
Thirty pregnant mice were divided randomly into 5 groups with 6 replications. AFB1 was dissolved in propylene glycol and administrated orally on days 6-15 of gestation. The treatment dosages were 0 (placebo), 2.25, 3, and 4.5 mg/kg body weight. Another group of animals was used as control. At day 18 of gestation, all pregnant mice were sacrificed and caesarian sectioned to remove the fetuses. Fetuses were examined for intrauterine mortality, growth retardation, morphological malformations incidence, skeletal growth and development (ossification and calcification) and skeletal malformations incidence.
AFB1 treatment with highest dosage (4.5 mg/kg body weight) caused a significant increase in the number of intrauterine mortality, fetuses growth retardation, skeletal growth (ossification and calcification) retardation, and in the incidence of morphological and skeletal malformation such as haemorraghe, clubfoot, curved body, intercostal fusion and vertebral flexion (lordosis and kyphosis). These results indicate that maternal exposure to AFB1 during organogenesis period affected to the growth and development of embryos and fetuses skeletal.

Key words: aflatoxin Bl, mice, embryos, fetuses, skeletal
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