The payer is the arrival of Islam to the Muslims arrival Not Governing
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The payer a dalah arrival of Islam to the Government
Muslims are not the arrival
People who monitor the results of the Constituent Assembly in Tunisia, he undoubtedly felt that the good people in this country want the implementation of Islamic sharia and lawless to their Lord. Most people go into the voting booth on October 23, with a basis for selecting people who they regard as un-Islamic groups. They dumped the secularism, socialism and the remnants of the previous regime. If not for the Elections Act mempedaya undoubtedly unjust and not in addition to the Islamic group will get to the Constituent Assembly. Prior to that the Muslims in Tunis have proved on October 14, the day a mass gathering of people in various cities of this country from north to south, where they chanted: "people want to implement the Sharia of Allah", "people want daulah Islamiyah" , and "the people want Khilafah Islamiyah". However, the executive government of this country and misguided mass media has colluded to cover up feelings-feelings honestly and determination-determination was overwhelming. They tried to turn her from the path of resurrection and glory by describing it simply a reaction to provocation television channel.Then they praised masayrakat on the day of the public towards voting booth with the claim that it proves that people want western democracy and western way of life ... In fact the situation that most people who come out to give others their voice is not out to select people who practice Islam and for fear that those secular and socialist positions will be up to policy makers.
O Muslims:
Your yells it is a slap in the face of the invaders. Their attention is just takes you away from Islam that became the glory and the power source of your power; divisive entities you and rob your wealth.
Your yells a loud slap in the face lackeys of colonialists and their representatives in our country, who claim that you want a western democracy. Yells you have proven that you are the grandsons of Muslims friends of the Mujahideen in which you are not willing to substitute the existence of Islam.
So do not let the politicians liars and mempedaya media can mislead you. Do not until you get turned away from your orientation you have chosen on your day chanting the application of Sharia of Allah. Your yells had made them tremble and their masters the colonist.Therefore they and the media they work to turn deceiving you of your orientation and your orientation falsifying facts. So keep your firm on the above orientation you have chosen it and gigitlah with your molars. Verily the promise of Allah is haq.
We say to those who are prejudiced people both to them and chose them because of their Islamic orientation:
The success of your arrival is not essential to the achievement of your government and the majority of the Constituent Assembly, or the acquisition of the suitcases ministry. However, the ultimate success is the arrival of Islam to rule with practically implemented without delay or long-winded. Allah says:
الذين إن مكناهم في الأرض أقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة وأمروا بالمعروف ونهوا عن المنكر ولله عاقبة الأمور
(They are) those who if We be confirmed their position on earth they would establish regular prayers, practice regular charity, told to do and prevented from doing good deeds unjust, and to Allah return all matters. (Surat al-Hajj [ 22]: 41)
We remind you that victory is essential is what is mentioned by Allah in the verses are clear:
تلك حدود الله ومن يطع الله ورسوله يدخله جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها وذلك الفوز العظيم) 13 (ومن يعص الله ورسوله ويتعد حدوده يدخله نارا خالدا فيها وله عذاب مهين) 14 (
Anyone who obey Allah and His Messenger, Allah will put it into syurga flowing rivers in it, and they abide therein, and that's a great victory. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and violate the provisions of Him, Allah will put it into the fire of hell is to abide therein, and for him a humiliating punishment. (Surat an-Nisa '[4]: 13-14)
We remind you of the day of, day in which the property, descent, or any successor ally not useful at all, the day on which the Just Judge is the almighty power of substance, the Mighty Have Greatness. So on that day there will be no injustice. But rather that there is a heaven or hell.
فمن زحزح عن النار وأدخل الجنة فقد فاز
Whoever kept out of hell and put in syurga, then indeed he has been lucky (EMQ [3]: 185)
Then be people who are honest to God and faithful to His shari'a. Strive for Allah sharia to be the only principle of the constitution and all legislation. Allah SWT has bestowed the gift to you and give power to you. So use this opportunity as well as possible to achieve the pleasure of Allah SWT. If you squander that opportunity, you put your hand in hand with western infidel invaders, and the coalition with minions and followers of the west, you inevitably lose your world and the hereafter. You will be part of those who betray the trust and pave the way for the invaders to trample on the necks of the Muslims before the invaders were weakened or even almost uprooted from our lands.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تخونوا الله والرسول وتخونوا أماناتكم وأنتم تعلمون
O ye who believe, do not betray Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad), and (also) do not betray the messages entrusted to you, while ye know. (Surat al-Anfal [8]: 27)
8 Dhu al-Hijjah 1432 H
4 November 2011 M
Hizb ut-Tahrir
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